A leader with proven experience

“Rita Hillmann Olson would be a fantastic Minnesota Representative in the Minnesota State House. Rita, above all, is honest, has integrity, and is running to truly improve Minnesota for ALL its citizens. She has a wide variety of personal, professional, political, business, and charitable organization leadership experience and skills and is grounded in a well-considered set of overriding values that guide her personal and professional life.

I have personally had the pleasure of working side by side with Rita on several complex and sensitive projects. She collaborates well with others, is assertive, and is not afraid to speak her mind. I can’t imagine anyone being more diligent and caring in her capacity as a Member of the Minnesota House of Representatives. The citizens of Minnesota House District 58A and the citizens of the entire state would be well served by Rita and lucky to have her as their Representative.”

“...the entire state would be well served by Rita...

Bron J. Scherer

Having a positive impact

“Rita Hillmann Olson, as our State Representative, will have a positive impact on the citizens of House District 58A. Like many of us, she has seen the detrimental effects of the Democrat leadership: the State budget increase, spending out of control, failure to recognize the $250,000,000 theft by the “Feeding our Future” program, abortion up to the baby’s actual birthdate, inviting children to our state for so-called “transgender” treatment. With understaffed police departments, increasing criminal activity, and access to illegal drugs, we are all eager to make our way back to a strong, safe, and frugal environment.

Rita has been active in conservative causes benefitting Minnesotans for more than 20 years. She helped find a source of assistance for those who need help dealing with mental health issues. She has been selected to serve on a judicial selection board. Her background in teaching career courses at the college level and her many years as a Registered Accountant show her to be a trusted, caring, and capable candidate.

Her common sense and Christian values make her the ideal person to become our State Representative.”

“...active in conservative causes benefitting Minnesotans...

Kathy Dodds

Qualities necessary to represent you

“Rita Hillmann Olson has my highest recommendation for your vote for the Minnesota House of Representatives.

I worked with Rita as a colleague for a university in the Twin Cities. Rita consistently demonstrated professionalism, integrity, and a great intellect. She has real character that is backed up by sound principles that represent the spirit of the Minnesota Constitution and the best of Minnesota. I have no doubt whatsoever that she deserves our trust when it comes to making difficult decisions on the Minnesota House floor.

Rita is the kind of Minnesota House representative we need to reform and restore Minnesota to a state that we can be proud of.”

“She has real character that is backed up by sound principles...

John Daley, LCDR, USN (Ret)
Professor and former Dean
President, Child Protection PAC